Dermal Fillers in Hobsonville, Auckland

Dermal Filler

Dermal Fillers are a popular non-surgical cosmetic treatment designed to rejuvenate and enhance facial features by restoring volume and reducing wrinkles. This service works by injecting hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the skin, into targeted areas to smooth lines, plump lips, and enhance cheeks. Suitable for various parts of the face, including the lips, cheeks, jawline, and under the eyes, Dermal Fillers offer solutions to concerns such as wrinkles, deep creases, and volume loss. The treatment is ideal for individuals seeking immediate improvements without the downtime associated with surgery. Results are visible shortly after the procedure, offering a refreshed and more youthful appearance. Typically, the effects of Dermal Fillers can last from six months to two years, depending on the type of filler used and the area treated.

For those considering enhancing their appearance with minimal downtime, Dermal Fillers at Hello Aesthetic in Hobsonville, Auckland, offer a quick and effective solution. Our skilled professionals ensure a comfortable experience tailored to meet your aesthetic goals. Experience the benefits of Dermal Fillers and see why many have chosen this path to achieve a more youthful and revitalized look. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards a refreshed appearance.

Benefits of Dermal Fillers

Injectable Packages

Chin and Jaw (4ml)


Sculpt and redefine your profile with our Chin and Jaw enhancement package. Utilizing 4ml of premium filler, this treatment is designed to contour and strengthen the jawline, enhance the chin, and create a more defined, aesthetically pleasing facial structure.

Cheeks and Lips Filler (2ml)


Discover the perfect harmony of facial contours with our Cheeks and Lips Filler package. Enhance cheek volume for a lifted, youthful look while adding fullness to your lips, creating a beautifully balanced and rejuvenated appearance that radiates confidence.

Lips and Chin Filler


Achieve a striking balance between luscious lips and a contoured chin with this targeted filler package. Designed to enhance your lip volume and define the chin area, this treatment offers a subtle yet impactful rejuvenation, highlighting your features for a captivating look.


Anyone looking to restore facial volume or enhance features such as lips and cheeks with minimal downtime may be a good candidate for Dermal Fillers.

It is usually possible to see results from Dermal Fillers immediately after the treatment, with the full effect becoming apparent within a few days as any swelling subsides.

The duration of Dermal Fillers varies depending on the type of filler and treated area, lasting anywhere from six months to two years.

Most clients experience minimal downtime and can resume normal activities shortly after the procedure. There may be temporary swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection site as a side effect.

Before Dermal Fillers, avoid blood-thinning medications and supplements to reduce the risk of bruising. After treatment, follow your provider’s care instructions, which typically include avoiding strenuous activities and excessive heat for a short period.

During the Dermal Fillers treatment, a topical anesthetic may be applied for comfort. Afterward, the filler is injected into the targeted areas, with the entire procedure lasting about 30 minutes to an hour. Clients often report minimal discomfort and are able to return to their daily routine with little to no downtime.



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