Exosome: Your Guide to radiant skin


In the pursuit of ageless beauty, there’s a revolutionary duo that’s making waves overseas: Exomide and microneedling. If you’re eager to discover the magic of beautiful skin, we introduce you”exosomes and microneedling—your passport to radiant rejuvenation.

An exosome is a byproduct of a cell. It is the messenger that send communication from cell to cell. Naturally, our stem cells use exosomes to deliver messages from one cell to another, by breaking away from one cell carrying its message and attaching itself to the next delivering that message to generate cells. These little superheroes carry signals telling your skin cells to step up their game. Picture it as a spa day for your skin, but instead of cucumber slices, it’s got the regenerative power of exosomes!

How Exosomes can help with skin regeneration:

As you age, the number of exosomes your cells send decrease and your cells get older. Exosomes with microneedling—a dynamic duo. Microneedling creates microscopic channels in your skin, and as Exomide is applied, these channels become gateways for the exosomes to work their magic. Exosomes is believed to help with skin healing, strengthen skin barriers, improve fine lines and brighten skin through cell regeneration, accelerating skin turnover and boosting collagen.

These tiny wonders are like the messengers of the skin world. They carry signals that say, “Hey, it’s time to regenerate and be fabulous!” When we pair these exosomes with microneedling, it’s like giving your skin a pep talk to kickstart the regeneration party.

The Dream Team:

The ingredients that come into the bottle of Exomide goodness are THE dream team. See breakdown here if you are interested.

Exosomes – 5billion of them ! very small Nano-sized natural transporter contained from stem cells- full of various elements in skin cells as protein, growth factors, RNA, mRNA and cytokines

Growth factors – 7 of them. Natural substances made by skin cells to repair damaged skin, induce collagen production and provide skin firmness. EGF, VEGF, HGF, bFGF, TGF-β1, KGF and PDGF

17 Amino acids – These nutrients are required for wound healing, pH balancing, and maintaining skin health. Lysine, Phenylalanine, Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Threonine, Methionine, Histidine, Arginine, Glycine, Serine, Proline, Tyrosine, Cysteine, Alanine, Aspartic acid and Glutamic acid

6 peptides – These are the building blocks for the collagen production in your skin. Copper Tripeptide-1, Hexapeptide-9, Tripeptide-1, Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, Palmitoyl Tripeptide-1 and Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4

Hyaluronic Acid – Retains moisture, restore skin health and protect transepidermal water loss.

Niacinamide – helps skin turnover, minimising enlarged pores and uneven skin tone

Panthenol – retaining moisture and decreases trans epidermal water los from skin, increasing hydration to the skin.

Glutathione– Antioxidant for the skin.

Why Exomide over PRP? Let’s Spill the Tea:

Sure, you might have heard about PRP (platelet-rich plasma), but let’s be real—Exomide is like the upgraded version. While PRP uses your blood, Exomide brings a more refined cocktail of growth factors and hyaluronic acid, giving your skin the love it truly craves.

The Treatment Journey- From Chat to Glow:

Imagine this as a cozy chat with your skincare BFF – ME!. You’ll start with a consultation where we’ll talk about your skin goals and make a plan that’s as unique as you are. Then comes the microneedling part—tiny needles working their magic. No worries, it’s not as scary as it sounds and we have numbing cream to help you more comfortable during the treatment. And here’s the star of the show—Exomide! Applied right after microneedling, it’s like a hug for your skin.

Post-Treatment Vibes:

After your session, your skin might blush a bit—it’s just a sign that the magic is happening. We’ll give you the lowdown on aftercare, which is basically your skin’s spa routine post-treatment. Think gentle cleansing, hydration, and a bit of sunscreen love.

So, there you have it—the D-low on our latest skin rejuvenation treatment Exosomes AKA Exomide, your passport to skin bliss. Ready to step into our Auckland clinic and let your skin shine? Because who said aging can’t be a fabulous journey? Embrace the glow, lovely—you’re worth it.



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